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Orthotics from Montrose Physiotherapy & Massage in Abbotsford

Sometimes, the cause of lower back pain, hip pain, knee pain, or foot pain is about how you take a step. When your feet are not in the right position, the problems can cascade through your body. Custom orthotics hold your feet in alignment, so the rest of your body lines up right, too.

Custom-made foot orthotics perfectly match your feet and your specific imbalances. Medically proven to eliminate your pain and discomfort, orthotics control your foot function by treating imbalances and modifying the areas of weight-bearing on your feet. Your feet and ankles stop rolling as you stand, walk, and run, keeping you better aligned and your whole body in better balance. Our goal is to help optimize your foot balance and functionality. You can reduce pain from injuries in your feet, ankles, knees, hips and lower back with custom-made orthotics.

Why are Orthotics Custom Made?

Everybody’s feet are different, but they are even more different when you consider how you stand, walk or run. You put weight on some areas before others. High arches and low arches make a difference. Plus, each part of your foot works in combination with the rest of your body, creating a unique pattern.

A custom foot orthotic device helps correct the alignment of your foot and how it affects your posture. The custom foot orthotics improve any structural problems and compensate for mechanical deficiencies. More and more people today have realized how important a custom-made foot orthotic can be. Custom-made foot orthotics require a detailed assessment to fit according to the shape of your feet.

That’s why we use a specialized assessment methodology at Montrose Physiotherapy & Massage. For a strong, stable, and supportive base, it is important to start with a biomechanical assessment to determine the best orthotic for your foot.

At Montrose Physiotherapy & Massage in Abbotsford, we use specialized technology that helps to produce custom-made footwear to address your specific individual needs. Combine that with our years of experience, and we can help almost everyone reach their optimal foot health goals!

Call today for an assessment at Montrose Physiotherapy & Massage in Abbotsford to determine if custom-made orthotics could help you feel and move better! We’re looking forward to seeing you.

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